Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are – physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.
Initially the Life Activation was used as a rite of passage in the ancient mystery school traditions to activate high priests and priestesses, prophets, and oracles. Handed down from the time of King Salomon, this activation will give you deeper and clearer access to the true knowledge of who you are and your life purpose. It is offered to help individuals move into their full empowerment and fulfill their life work and destiny.
Benefits of a Life Activation:
- Enables you to bring in and hold more Light in your physical body and aura
- Empowers you to bring forth dormant talents and abilities to maximize your potential
- Enables you to have more energy
- Brings more clarity into your life
- Strengthens your immune system
- Assists in releasing unconscious patterns stored in the physical body and aura
- Increases a greater utilization of your brain capacity
- Facilitates clearing of many family and genetic karmic patterns
- Creates a heightened opening for ongoing connection with your Higher Self
 - Makes you eligible to take the Empower Thyself Class & Initiation

The Life Activation


One on one
90 minutes

Book the Life Activation

The start Of the laying the foundation for healing